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Dissolution Tester DIS-EMC

If you require the ultimate in a Dissolution Tester then the DIS-EMC is the dissolution tester for you.

It goes without saying that the standard DIS 6000 and 8000 units already comply with the new Enhanced Mechanical Calibration (EMC) specifications as laid down by the FDA.

Where the Dissolution Tester DIS-EMC differs from the standard units is the application of the latest state-of-the-art technologies to the manufacture of the Dissolution Vessel which in combination with the precision ground stirring element brings you a new level of standard in terms of dimensions and tolerances.

Traditionally, dissolution vessels have been made individually using manual glass blowing techniques from extruded glass tubing. The solution was to vacuum form the vessel as opposed to extrude it. This method guarantees an inside diameter tolerance and blemish free spherical radius of +/- 0.13 mm together with a flange perpendicularity of 0.50 mm Total Indicated Runout.

This betters the dimensional tolerances specified in the FDA”s Enhanced Mechanical Calibration by a factor of 2.

For comprehensive product details, specifications and part numbers, please request a copy of our brochure “Quality Solutions for the Testing of Pharmaceuticals”.


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