The Vertical Diffusion Cell (VDC) Test System Model HDT 1000 has been specifically designed to accommodate 10 diffusion cells.
It comprises a heated aluminium block capable of accepting two rows of five cells.
A powerful magnetic stirrer is mounted beneath each test station.
The heating block approach to heating the diffusion cells eradicates the difficulties in use and “spaghetti” of tubing associated with its water-jacketed predecessors.
Temperature (ambient +5 to 150 degrees C) and stirrer speed (400 to 2000 rpm) are set, controlled and displayed from a single control panel on the front of the unit.
The HDT 1000 is incredibly compact measuring only 80 x 325 x 145 mm (w x d x h) – a footprint less than an A4 sheet of paper.
A smaller unit, the HDT 1 is also available and is designed to accomodate a single diffusion cell.
For comprehensive product details, specifications and part numbers, please request a copy of our brochure “Quality Solutions for the Testing of Pharmaceuticals”.